We were founded in 1973 by Doug and Linda Gabel, as a training facility for race horses. In 1979, we began breeding show quality Tennessee Walking Horses, and we added Kentucky Mountain and Arabian breeds in 1984.
Both Doug and Linda are certified breeders. We are licensed by the State of California. Please contact us with questions about any aspect of our business. We’re always happy to hear from fellow horse lovers.
Apr 4, 2020 Kenna x Baron - The COVID Litter
GRCh Torngat Evenmist Kenna's Fire x Ch. Beaumark's Baron Of Torngat litt
6 Yellow Males and 3 Black Females
Pink Luna Torngat's Moonlight Debut
Yellow Winnifred Torngat’s Ciara Winnifred O’Loch
Brown Scout Torngat’s Star Sailor
Skoki Torngat’s Smokie Skoki
Red Auri Torngat’s Onyx Sunshine
Green Begbie Torngat’s Spot On Begbie
Purple Jack Torngat’s Captain Jack Sparrow
Blue Storm Torngat’s Thunder Storm
Red Ollie Torngat’s Oliver Twist Of Fate