Waifin's Fly Cabot To Torngat
A beautiful Boy at 9 weeks old!
Cabot  July 2010  Group 4th - Guy Spagnola
Cabot meets his new Mommy at Air Canada Cargo in Calgary December 16, 2008.         It was love at first bite


is one of those big babies that comes along once in a lifetime.  He has a heart of gold and just wants to be loved in return.  He is always trying to please and demands your attention.  He is kind to other animals (yes, even the family cat Toffee) and wonders why they don't all like him and want to play.  His only fault is that at 104 lbs he still thinks he's a lap dog and wants to be in your lap.  It's impossible to trim nails for other dogs when Cabot is in the room because a big hairy paw is always being placed so that his nail can be done too - even though you've just finished his.  He whines as he waits his turn outside of the ring until it's his turn....and loves to run out front with a majestic air surrounding him.  He demands to be noticed.  As a powerful swimmer he will willingly dive in to retrieve anything you throw for him.  Life is a  game!  At 4 years old he has matured into a beautiful sample of the Labrador breed and a credit to his ancestors whom we can be traced back to 1878.  When you look into his eyes you see a depth of his sensitive soul who thinks that you are worthy of his attention.
Digital Art compliments of Anne Switzer - Labraharvest Labradors
October 22, 2010 - Mid Jersey LRC BISS from Judy Chambers, Ghoststone Labradors shown by Carolyn Kellerman - 11 yrs. old!.
October 22, 2010

Mid Jersey Labrador Retrieve Club
winning back to back specialties
handled expertly by Carolyn Kellerman

- notice that his pink piggy isn't too far away!
#69 Waifin’s Fly Cabot to Torngat
This lovely dog caught my eye the minute he entered the ring. Beautifully balanced,
with all the right angles and terrific reach of neck. In full coat, with well coated otter
tail. Head and expression second to none today. To top it off his movement was
effortless. He was my Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed       - Clare Senfeld September 2009
Dressed for the 'Garden'
Cabbie is Stylin!!
July 14, 2013

Group 3rd and Best of Breed at the EKKOC show in Calgary, AB.  Judge Pat Alsina, Argentina (left).  Shown by Katie Chappell (centre) and Peggy Mignon (right)
August 15, 2015 Labrador Retriever Club of Canada Inc. National
Best Veteran, Judge Marilyn Nightingale (Boothgate) 'Handled by Peggy Mignon
July 16, 2016
Best Veteran - Westwinds Sporting Dog Club Specialty -  This was the dedication of the Veteran in Show Trophy in Memory of Charles E. Hunt
Judge: Guy Spagnola, Australia